Use FXWebAPI as central point of contract for FX rates and executions via your SOA
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Use FXWebAPI as central point of contract for FX rates and executions via your SOA
Last updated
FXWebAPI has a set of RESTful web-services that enable out-of-the-box integration with your SOA.
Currently we support the following workflows:
Get Rate
Execute on previously quotes rate
Execute on current price
Place Order
Cancel Order
Get Deal Blotter Data
Get Order Blotter Data
Get Historical Rates
Services can be adjusted to the client's needs without additional project costs.
Execution workflow
Order placing workflow
Order cancellation workflow
Make sure that client has a balance/limit to execute the trade
Transaction Security
Internal checks are usually more important than 50 ms of additional market risk.
How quickly trade should be confirmed/rejected
For the above FXWebAPI services responsible for Execution/Order placing/Order cancellation workflow would sit behind firewalls and be only accessible by clients SOA service.
Execution/Order placing/Order cancellation workflows can be exposed by FXWebAPI directly to your end clients. In this case trading limits are managed on the FX platform side (ex. 360T).
FXWebAPI integration for Execution/Order placing/Order cancellation workflow is explained in the below graph: